Legacy and Application Modernization Services

We are now in a world where everything is constantly evolving at a rapid pace. This is specifically true when it comes to businesses which is why taking time to upgrade your company’s technologies, systems, and apps is a must if you want to stay competitive and secured. With Proactive Logic’s suite of application modernization services, our specialists will discover, assess, migrate, and upgrade both your legacy applications and systems. We will help you develop a roadmap for your digital transformation as well as provide the necessary training, support, and guidance that your business needs to get the most out of your updated solutions.

Application Migration and Legacy Modernization Services

Our application modernization services focus on increasing overall productivity and efficiency of your business processes. We will conduct a thorough and detailed analysis of your architecture to uncover outdated processes and ineffective systems. We will also be laying down suggestions for business process automation opportunities.

We have a team of experts that specializes in upgrading legacy applications and unsupported platforms who will ensure that your business is protected against potential threats as well as from younger, more agile competitors.

Our service options include:

  • Migration
  • Re-platforming
  • Re-hosting
  • Re-coding
  • Re-architecturing
  • Interoperability
  • Replacement
  • Retirement

Finding a Solution

When businesses seek help for their systems or processes, they are usually unaware that they need application modernization services but are simply looking for answers about the specific issue their having. Below are the four common areas where broken, inefficient, and outdated processes can be fatal to your business’ productivity.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, is the core platform running a majority of processes within a business and is typically integrated with multiple other systems like a CRM.

Issues within an ERP, that can indicate a need to modernize or replace, include problems with:

  • Debits, credits, and payroll
  • Network and web traffic
  • Procurement and planning
  • Inventory management
  • Shipping and payments
  • Manufacturing and production

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM systems are those systems housing the customers’ and prospects’ data. It also facilitates how a business communicates and interacts with its clients or customers.

Common issues within a CRM system can include issues with:

  • Marketing automation
  • Data management and extraction
  • Multi-channel Integration
  • User experience

Document Management

In order for employees to properly execute their roles, it’s important that they are able to securely store, search, and access important documents that they need. And the process on how or where they access it shouldn’t matter – the important thing is that all documents should be securely and easily accessible to people who need it.

A lot of difficulties within document management systems includes problems with:

  • Search functionality
  • Content collaboration
  • Access requests and restrictions
  • Secure file sharing
  • Storage capacity
  • Multi-device support

Business Process Automation (BPA)

Most, if not all, businesses’ goal is to increase productivity and profitability. This is why business process automation is a must for businesses since by automating processes, businesses are able to save both time and money enabling more work to be done. However, most clients struggle with identifying BPA opportunities within their business processes as well as communicating to their employees the impact of new automated systems on the day-to-day operations.

On top of time and resources saved, below are some of the other business process automation benefits:

  • Ease of communication
  • Superior task management
  • Human error reduction
  • Systems integration

At Proactive Logic, we have a team of experts that can handle all types of application migrations and legacy modernization. We can help you transform how you do business by streamlining your most important operations and providing end-to-end support as your employees adapt to technological advances.

Talk to one of our application modernization specialists today!


Contact us at (800) 918-7305 or email success@proactivelogic.com and let’s start modernizing your legacy applications.