Expert Tech Leadership Tailored to Your Business Needs

At Proactive Logic Consulting, Inc., we transform businesses using technology. For years, we’ve remained a trusted leader in IT consultancy, offering innovative solutions that revolutionize industries. We welcome you to explore our premier services, including our Fractional CTO offering.

Fractional CTO Services

In a world that’s evolving at lightning speed, every organization needs a technology visionary to steer the ship, ensure strategic alignment, and build a robust, future-proof digital ecosystem. But hiring a full-time Chief Technology Officer (CTO) can be a significant expense, especially for startups and SMBs.

That’s where Proactive Logic Consulting, Inc. steps in. Our Fractional CTO service is a cost-effective, flexible solution that provides your organization with the strategic leadership and technical expertise of a CTO, but only for the time you need.

Our Services

Strategic IT Planning

Align your technology initiatives with your business objectives.

IT Governance

Establish effective practices to ensure your IT investments deliver value.

Technology Roadmapping

Chart a future course for your technology environment.

Risk Management

Identify and manage the risks associated with your technology investments.

Vendor Management

Leverage our relationships and expertise to manage your vendor partnerships effectively.

Talent Management

Leverage our relationships and expertise to manage your vendor partnerships effectively.

Innovation Leadership

Lead the charge in adopting emerging technologies and fostering innovation.

Why Choose Proactive Logic Consulting?

Expertise at your Fingertips

Our Fractional CTOs are seasoned technology leaders, each with a deep understanding of various industries and markets. They bring your organization the insights and strategic vision to leverage technology for business growth.

Scalability and Flexibility

We understand that every organization is unique, so our services are flexible and can scale according to your needs. We adapt to your requirements, whether a few hours a week or a more dedicated engagement.

Cost-Effective Solution

Our Fractional CTO service enables you to access a full-time CTO’s strategic leadership and technical prowess without the associated overhead costs. You only pay for what you need.

We at Proactive Logic Consulting, Inc. are not just consultants – we’re your partners in growth.

Our approach combines deep technical knowledge, strategic vision, and practical business sense to deliver solutions that drive tangible value for your business. We’ve worked with hundreds of organizations, helping them harness the power of technology to achieve their objectives.

Let us do the same for you.

Contact Us

Ready to get started? Contact us today to discuss how our Fractional CTO service can take your organization to the next level. Let Proactive Logic be your partner in technology leadership.

Schedule a digital transformation discovery call. Email us at or call (800) 918-7305 to talk to one of our Fractional CTOs.