Consulting Services for Healthcare

  • Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare Consulting

    Deliver better experiences, insights, and care.

Transform the healthcare journey

Proactive Logic Consulting helps companies leverage Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare for trusted, integrated capabilities that make it easier to improve the entire healthcare experience.

Enhance patient engagement

Deliver secure personalized experiences that engage patients through every point of care.

Empower health team collaboration

Connect, engage, and manage your team with tools that help them provide the best possible care.

Improve patient-provider experiences

Help alleviate provider burnout by automatically documenting patient encounters at the point of care.

Boost clinician productivity

Enable faster documentation with accurate, responsive dictation and virtual assistant capabilities.

Improve health data insights

Get insights to improve patient care by connecting data and using predictive analytics to identify clinical trends.

Protect health information

Help your organization protect and govern sensitive health data across systems, devices, apps, and cloud services.